
What This Guy Found On His Car In Australia Will Give You Nightmares For Weeks

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Australian Redditor Futcha has a major problem: huge, terrifying spiders keep infesting his car. He posted photos this week of the various creepy crawlies that kept paying him visits over the last few months. These pictures are every driver”s worst nightmare. Can you imagine stepping into your car and seeing these?

Say hello to the whole spider family!

Say hello to the whole spider family!

This lovely bugger decided to make an appearance while Futcha was driving.

This lovely bugger decided to make an appearance while <a href=

He attempted to shoo it out of the car, but instead the spider decided to make a run for the air vents. Completely terrifying.

He attempted to shoo it out of the car, but instead the spider decided to make a run for the air vents. Completely terrifying.

(source Reddit)

Thankfully for Futcha, these are merely Huntsman spiders. Regardless, they still look like something from your nightmares, no matter how harmless they are to humans. I still think I”ll continue to steer clear of Australia for some time…


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