
Here Are 26 Offbeat Greeting Cards For The People You REALLY Love.

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We”ve all been there before. We have raced, at the last minute, to the nearest convenient store to pick over the remains that was once the greeting card aisle. You eventually find something half-way decent and convince yourself it”s actually funny, and head out the door. You might even be mildly confident the recipient won”t know you forgot about them.

Well here”s your chance to turn the tide forever. These 26 cards are funny, offbeat, and incredibly unique. The best part? They”re all for sale! We suggest stocking up… now!

(via BoredPanda / Huffington Post)

With a collection as awesome as this sitting in my desk, there”s no way I”ll be making midnight runs to CVS anymore. Now if I can just figure out a way to get emergency flowers…

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