
What Passers By Discovered In This Field Is Unsettling For The Weirdest Reason

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If you pay attention while driving through the sleepy town of Suomussalmi, Finland, along Highway 5, you might spot a large gathering of elf-sized creatures coldly staring at all who pass.

This army of 1,000 scarecrows is actually a permanent art installation called “Hiljainen kansa” (“The Silent People” in Finnish) by artist Reijo Kela. Each grass-headed creature”s shirt is changed twice a year by the Suomussalmi Youth Workshop.

The meaning of the installation is unknown, as Kela invites people to come up with their own interpretation. Many believe the figures represent the casualties of the Winter War of 1939-1940, in which Finland lost many to the invading Soviet Union.

There”s something strangely unsettling about this group of scarecrows. It could be their faceless stares or their impressive variety of shirts…

Either way, if I saw this, it”d be hard to keep my foot off the accelerator.


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