What These People Are Doing To Their Eyes Is Bizarre (And Looks SO Painful)

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New and crazy forms of body modification are all the rage these days (just look at this guy). One part of the body where people (somehow) keep coming up with new modifications for is the eye. Aside from eyeball tattooing, there is a new trend for eye modification called an extraocular implant.

Even though the name sounds fancy, an extraocular implant is pretty simple. Essentially, a small piece of decorative jewelry gets surgically implanted on the conjunctiva of the human eye.


Hearts seem to be a pretty popular jewelry choice.

Hearts seem to be a pretty popular jewelry choice.

Hearts aren”t the only option, though. Some people opt for something a little more *ahem* inflammatory.

Hearts aren

At the moment, there is only one clinic that performs the extraocular implant procedure, The Netherlands Institute for Innovative Ocular Surgery in the Netherlands.

At the moment, there is only one clinic that performs the extraocular implant procedure, The Netherlands Institute for Innovative Ocular Surgery in the Netherlands.

According to their website, it”s a quick procedure with no long term side effects. The whole process will cost you about $850.

According to their website, it

One of the things that makes this procedure safe, supposedly, is the jewelry.

One of the things that makes this procedure safe, supposedly, is the jewelry.

At the moment, there is one company that manufactures extraocular implants. Each one is made using a high quality platinum alloy.

(via: Sixpenceee)

While the procedure appears safe, the long term effects of extraocular implants are unknown.

So, if you want to have a quality platinum alloy inserted into your eye, head over to the Netherlands.


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