
What Makes This Amusement Park Unique Also Makes It Uniquely Horrifying

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In the mountains outside Venice, Italy, lies a park with a scary premise. Though it”s not as dangerous as New Jersey”s infamously deadly Action Park, Ai Pioppi still presents a great threat to all who ride its human-powered attractions. Every ride at Ai Pioppi lacks the use of electricity, instead requiring pedals and human effort to run.

Luckily, YouTuber Tom Scott decided to walk around and experience the rides at this unique attraction site. Scott made some interesting and terrifying discoveries in the process, and thankfully caught his trip on camera.

(via Tom Scott)

Scott and his buddies took on this beast and almost made it out without a scratch. I now know why we don”t see more parks like this around the world. Could you imagine pedaling your way around a roller coaster?


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