Awesome Stuff

What Happens To This New England Town Every Winter Is So Beautiful, It’s Shocking

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Something waits in the snow surrounding the town of Lincoln, NH. It”s a collection of magnificent Ice Castles, all made by hand in celebration of the icy New England winters. To capture it all, filmmakers Michael Sutton and Julian Tryba braved sub-zero temperatures for hours at a time for the amazing, otherworldly footage seen below.

Each year, these incredible ice structures are built and opened to the public. They”re lit at night with pulsing rainbow lights. People are free to wander through the halls and passages to gaze up at the forests of icicles above them. The Ice Castle show runs from January until March, or until the ice melts naturally.

The Ice Castles look almost naturally formed, and are full of channels and passages perfect for exploring.

Part of a castle during the day…

…and lit from within at night

Visitors outside one of the castles at night.

(source Michael N. Sutton)

If you”re in the Lincoln area before the spring thaw, you might want to take a little detour and check these amazing creations out in person. You can get the information on the Ice Castles website. You can also see more work from Michael Sutton on his Vimeo page.


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