What A Passerby Discovered In The Middle Of A Small-Town Road Is A Horrifying Mystery

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If you know anyone who lives in New York City, you know they”re always prattling on about their craziest NYC moments (apologies to my friends and family who have to hear my subway hobo stories). Rarely does the crazy leave Manhattan.

In upstate New York, a resident named Clover Forsythe posted this photo of nine brains found near a train line in Gouveneur (which is apparently a town in New York and not just how to say “governor” in a New York accent). I would say “only in New York,” but honestly, I don”t think this has ever happened in the city itself.

Here are some of the brains found on the street. Experts say they have been professionally preserved with formaldehyde and probably belonged to either dogs or sheep.

Here are some of the brains found on the street. Experts say they have been professionally preserved with formaldehyde and probably belonged to either dogs or sheep.

And what are these you might ask? They appear to be brains. small, the size of an apple. Laying on the side of the…

Posted by Clover Forsythe on Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Nobody knows for certain where the brains came from, but authorities are sure they were preserved for educational study and not to serve as the trophies of a psychopath. I guess Manhattan can”t take all the crazy credit anymore.

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