Awesome Stuff

Warning: These Photos Could Make Your Head Explode. They’re Surreal.

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Some might think that Martin De Pasquale is good at Photoshop. You”re wrong. He”s REALLY REALLY good at Photoshop. Based in Buenos Aires, he has taken innocuous photos of himself performing the most basic of human acts, and recreated them in a spellbinding way. They truly enthrall readers and admirers alike, from “mowing” his face (that”s how I feel too!) to being strangled by his own clothes. Check them out here and marvel at his mischievousness…

Was I lying or what? He”s REALLY good. If you want to check out more of his work, head over to his website. I know there”s a print or two I NEED 😉 Source: Martin De Pasquale via My Modern Met If you thought these were awesome, share with your friends below.


Simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.