
Top 7 Reasons Jakarta Is a Perfect Place for Downshifting

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4. Communication
In case you’re worried that you’ll miss your friends or family and won’t be able to talk to them as often as you’re used to, rest assured this won’t be a problem. Cell phone tariffs here are surprisingly cheap, and internet is readily available and easily installed. So you’ll have no problem calling or skyping whoever you want, whenever you want. Fast Internet is easily available, and the costs pretty much cheap.

5. Expat Support
There’s a surprisingly huge number of expat organisations in Indonesia, probably due to the large amount of expats living in the country. So you’ll always have a place to go to in case you have any questions or need help settling in. Most of these organisations host weekly meetings and talks on the realities of daily life in Indonesia, and they also host a multitude of special events and fundraisers throughout the year.




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