
This Women Turned Her Mirror Into A Playground Of Imagination And It’s Too Impressive For Words.

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Selfies. Weve all seen them and, for better or for worse, weve all taken them. Regardless of how you feel about them, theres no doubting that theyre here to stay. Especially when Instagram users like @mirrorsme are using their talent to help the selfie evolve from peace signs and duck faces into more impressive works (that have nothing to do with yoga pants). Although she says they take less than 30 minutes to make, @mirrorsmes selfies are oozing with skill and effort. If these arent worth a like on Instagram, nothing is. Check them out!

1.) Cupcake

1.) Cupcake

2.) Aladdin

2.) Aladdin

3.) Magician

3.) Magician

4.) Mario

4.) Mario

5.) Brushing

5.) Brushing

6.) Kisses

6.) Kisses

7.) Lifting

7.) Lifting

8.) Seagulls

8.) Seagulls

9.) Handshake

9.) Handshake

10.) Archery

10.) Archery

11.) Bedtime

11.) Bedtime

12.) Crying

12.) Crying

13.) Thug Life

13.) Thug Life

14.) Burger-o-vision

14.) Burger-o-vision

15.) Breaking Bad

15.) Breaking Bad

16.) Hammer Time

16.) Hammer Time

17.) Ladder

17.) Ladder

18.) Princess

18.) Princess

19.) Pippi Longstocking

19.) Pippi Longstocking

20.) The Dark Knight

20.) The Dark Knight

21.) Eye Spy

21.) Eye Spy

22.) Flowers

22.) Flowers

23.) Helicopter

23.) Helicopter

(H/T bored panda) Want to take selfies like @mirrorsme? Youll need chalk markers, paint pens, and a lot of talent. Not to mention, a roommate whos okay with you hogging the bathroom every morning. Share these creative selfies using the button below.


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