
This Video for Down Syndrome Has a Major Twist That Will Melt Your Heart

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Source: YouTube/CoorDown

Source: YouTube/CoorDown

Whenever CoorDown, and Italian organization that advocates for people with Down syndrome, partners with advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi, magic happens, and their newest campaign video is no exception.

The agency previously released two other videos with CoorDown bringing awareness to people with Down syndrome, and each one nearly brought us to tears.

This time, however, their video has a twist.

Featuring actress Olivia Wilde, the video shows her doing seemingly normal things – from camping with her family, to doing laundry, and going for a run, she tells the viewers, “This is how I see myself.”

But the voice does not belong to Wilde. Watch:

It’s actually the voice of 19-year-old AnnaRose, who has Down syndrome.

AnnaRose, a New Jersey native, is currently a full-time student who loves sports and works part-time at a physical therapy center. Like any person with Down syndrome, she wants to change the way people perceive her and people like her. Parents can be terrified when they find out they have a child with Down syndrome, but AnnaRose and CoorDown, along with Saatchi & Saatchi, are hoping to change that thinking. The video below explores all the things a person with Down syndrome can be and become, and, most importantly, that they are like any other person in the world.

Check out the video and make sure you have tissues handy!

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