
These Cute Criminals Could Get Away With ANYTHING, No Matter How Guilty They Are

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“She”s so cute she could get away with murder.”

We”ve all heard some variation on this phrase before, though it”s (hopefully!) never meant literally. These pups, however, have such intense puppy dog eyes that they might actually be able to get away with murder – or at least petty crime. Don”t try to tell me you haven”t tried to talk your way out of a speeding ticket before!

1. You”re looking mighty suspicious…


2. You got a reason to hide, pup? Should I check my shoes for another surprise from you?

You got a reason to hide, pup? Should I check my shoes for another surprise from you?

3. I know you stole the treats from the cabinet, but with a face like that I”ll just pretend I don”t know.

I know you stole the treats from the cabinet, but with a face like that I

4. You”re literally SURROUNDED by evidence.


5. Aw, I can tell that you”re riddled with guilt, so I guess…it”s okay?

Aw, I can tell that you

6. Ugh, don”t look at me like that.

Ugh, don

7. “But, mom! I rolled in the skunk smell so YOU didn”t have to smell it yourself.”

"But, mom! I rolled in the skunk smell so YOU didn

8. You could definitely get away with eating the olives at the supermarket salad bar.

You could definitely get away with eating the olives at the supermarket salad bar.

9. Was it YOU that graffitied the side of our house with “Dog Lyfe”?

Was it YOU that graffitied the side of our house with

10. “Yeah, I wet the bed, what do you want from me? I”m just a baby!”

"Yeah, I wet the bed, what do you want from me? I

11. I should take you downtown for criminal intent, but you”re just way too fluffy.

I should take you downtown for criminal intent, but you

12. Is Mr. Monkey your accomplice?

Is Mr. Monkey your accomplice?

13. You”re hiding SOMEthing…


14. It had to have been you who chewed up my favorite pair of sunglasses, but I really just cannot be mad at you.

It had to have been you who chewed up my favorite pair of sunglasses, but I really just cannot be mad at you.

15. I know you heard the doorbell ring when the cable guy came. Why didn”t you bark?!

I know you heard the doorbell ring when the cable guy came. Why didn

16. “Yes, it was me, I destroyed the baby maple tree you just planted. What are you gonna do about it?!”

17. “I wasn”t running from the cops – I was playing chase!”

"I wasn

18. “Please don”t take me downtown, I”ll never make it. Look at me!”

"Please don

19. “I needed to buy you a Valentine”s Day gift! And you don”t give me any allowance.”

"I needed to buy you a Valentine

20. Public urination, hm?

Public urination, hm?

21. I don”t even care what you did. I already forgive you.

I don

22. Did you have a bonfire without a permit? That”s dangerous!

Did you have a bonfire without a permit? That

23. “Loitering? I was just hanging out!”

24. “I”ve seen some stuff, man.”


25. “I just needed a mint!”

26. Tank still claims he was framed!

Aw, pups, as long as no one was hurt during your shenanigans, I will forgive you. Plus, I”m pretty sure some of the charges are impossible for a pup to pull off, so I”ll be sure to get you a good lawyer.



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