These 23 Ridiculous Toys Are Ruining Children Today. How Was #1 Ever A Good Idea?!

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Over the years, toy manufacturers have needed to come up with new ideas for products. After all, the first toys were created thousands and thousands of years ago. They might have been literal sticks and stones, but just think of how many ideas have been used since then. So these toy companies tried their best to come up with something new… but their ideas just ended up being horrifying. Seriously, these would scar children.

1.) Babies having babies?

1.) Babies having babies?

2.) No one should cuddle a Hitler doll.

2.) No one should cuddle a Hitler doll.

3.) Ummmm, this is awkward.

3.) Ummmm, this is awkward.

4.) Teaching children good values…

4.) Teaching children good values...

5.) So they can grow up and ask for this.

5.) So they can grow up and ask for this.

6.) And a little kid would be flashing… why?

6.) And a little kid would be flashing... why?

7.) Anorexic AND pregnant? This is a strange teen.

7.) Anorexic AND pregnant? This is a strange teen.

8.) That”s racially insensitive. Just a little bit.

8.) That

9.) Also terrible.

9.) Also terrible.

10.) At least the violence is creative here.

10.) At least the violence is creative here.

11.) Spray others with your Wiennie!

11.) Spray others with your Wiennie!

12.) Don”t inflate this by blowing into it.

12.) Don

13.) This knock-off Punisher seems strange…

13.) This knock-off Punisher seems strange...

14.) Oh, bother.

14.) Oh, bother.

15.) This looks like a concentration camp… because it is one.

15.) This looks like a concentration camp... because it is one.

16.) This bank eats the nightmares of your children.

16.) This bank eats the nightmares of your children.

17.) What IS this?

17.) What IS this?

18.) No. No. NO!

18.) No. No. NO!

19.) Mr. Buttons wants to steal your soul.

19.) Mr. Buttons wants to steal your soul.

20.) Umm, what?

20.) Umm, what?

21.) This is going to give me legitimate nightmares.

21.) This is going to give me legitimate nightmares.

22.) This is creepy in just too many ways.

22.) This is creepy in just too many ways.

(H/T Distractify) No one in their right mind should give any of these toys to children (or even adults). They”re just way too creepy. Click on the button below to share these little nightmares with others.


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