Awesome Stuff

There’s No Way You’d Be Able To Snack On These Edible Works Of Art

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If there”s one person in the world who appears to have won the dream job lottery, it”s Fernanda Abarca. Born in Brazil, Abarca came to the U.S. to study art and design. Her talents were soon spotted by none other than DreamWorks Studios, and she was given a job as an animator in 2006. She still works there as a surface animator, but she also has another amazing job, as if working on animated movies isn”t amazing enough: she makes cakes.

The sheep from How to Train Your Dragon 2 are a bit wary of snackers.

Abarca opened a bakery in 2013, and she was soon able to marry her love of baking with her love of animation. Besides doing the usual fare of birthdays and weddings, Fernanda Abarca Cakes also produces the treats for Disney”s animated releases. This results in amazing, completely edible Elsa heads for everyone!

We weren”t kidding about the edible Elsa heads.

We weren

Chowing down on your favorite Disney and DreamWorks characters might seem a little macabre, but Abarca”s creations look so delicious that it”s an easy hurdle to get past. She even produces tutorials so bakers across the world can recreate these confections for their own events, which is a great gesture to fans everywhere.

Abarca created confections for older Disney ventures, as well. She also makes one-of-a-kind pieces for clients.

Abarca created confections for older Disney ventures, as well. She also makes one-of-a-kind pieces for clients.

Cupcakes at the Big Hero 6 premiere. The display also included a sculpture of characters Hiro and Baymax made from 276 Rice Krispie treats and eight pounds of chocolate.

Abarca”s edible works aren”t just limited to cupcakes; she also creates sculpted cakes in the shapes of movie characters.


While Abarca”s childhood dream combination of jobs might make you a little jealous, you can”t really stay mad at someone who creates darling characters out of fondant and candy. After all, that would actually make you some sort of Disney villain, right? You can see more of Abarca”s work and check out some of her tutorials on her website. Be sure to also check out all of her creations on her Facebook and Twitter pages.


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