
The Pigeon In His House Was Weird, But What He Found On His Frying Pan Was Weirder

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Everyone loves it when the warm weather arrives and the birds start chirping again, but for one man in Norway, spring hit a little too hard this year.

After coming home from work, YouTuber Stian Fjelldal discovered that he had a visitor in his apartment. But after chasing the pigeon out the window, he discovered that she wasn”t just there to rummage around she was there to make a home.

Watch what happens next.

(via YouTube)

That”s too bad, since it looks like she made a nice little nest for her baby. Hopefully Stian didn”t have a hankering for eggs that day, otherwise this pigeon mother would”ve made things over-easy for him.

For more animal intruders, follow the links below.



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