Revealing Photos Show Abercrombie & Fitch Then And Now

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You might not realise that Abercrombie & Fitch was actually established way back in 1892!

When it first came out it was known for its over-the-top sexy ad campaigns.

It was purely all about the sex-appeal, but over the years it has had to make a change and tone down its image.

There’s no denying that when you think of the brand you think of surfer dudes showing off their abs and young girls in bikinis.

But when you actually look back at their campaigns over the years their image has changed a lot!

In one of their most recent campaigns last November, there was no nudity or sex appeal at all.

Instead we saw a fully clothed model, Neelam Gill, who has been a complete social advocate for change in the Abercrombie & Fitch brand.

They no longer want to appeal to younger more rebellious teens, but to go for a more sophisticated style that includes everyone not just the ‘cool’ kids.

But exactly how much difference is there from their models and photo shoots from way back then to now?

Have a look the surprising evolution of Abercrombie & Fitch over the years.

1. A Typical Ad Campaign For A&F


This sort of campaign, including males and females and nudity, was so typical of the brands style and image when it first came out.

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