Awesome Stuff

Lee Cross’s Realistic Stuffed Animals Will Fool Everyone. Plus, They’re SO Cute.

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In the wilds of Alaska lives a creative woman named Lee Cross, who also goes by Wood Splitter Lee. Lee loves to make things with her hands and she excels at creating something unique. You won”t find her work anywhere else. She has mastered the art of creating small, plush animals that you can pose. They are adorable, sure, but the little creatures are also extremely lifelike. It”s no surprise that many of her creations fool passers by. It”s easy to fall in love with her work; you”ll want one for yourself.

Lee begins the process with a small, posable skeleton.

Lee begins the process with a small, posable skeleton.

Then, she wraps the skeleton in stuffing.

Then, she wraps the skeleton in stuffing.

She makes sure each of her pieces is soft and cuddly.

She makes sure each of her pieces is soft and cuddly.

Then, she carefully covers her animals in cloth.

Then, she carefully covers her animals in cloth.

She dyes the material, depending on what she is creating.

She dyes the material, depending on what she is creating.

The figures are also hand-decorated with fur.

The figures are also hand-decorated with fur.

She adds paint, teeth, claws and paws to them, too.

She adds paint, teeth, claws and paws to them, too.

It”s her goal to make these little guys as lifelike as possible.


Most of her work looks like normal woodland creatures.

Most of her work looks like normal woodland creatures.

However, she can also make fantasy creatures like unicorns.

However, she can also make fantasy creatures like unicorns.

Either way, if you bought one of her pieces, it would be a unique creation.

Either way, if you bought one of her pieces, it would be a unique creation.

Plus? It”d be so, so, SO cute.

Plus? It

(H/T Bored Panda) Wood Splitter Lee has an online portfolio on Deviantart. Or, you can check out some of her work for sale on eBay. Don”t be shocked by the prices you see, though. Some of her pieces have sold for as much as $900. (After all, these aren”t your average stuffed animals.) Lee Cross is a woman of many talents. (Check out her Facebook page.)

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