17 Facts You Definitely Didn’t Know About Valentine’s Day

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Valentine’s Day is on its way and all the loved-up romantic couples out there are getting ready to celebrate.

The stores are filled with everything from chocolate shaped hearts to bouquets of roses and cute fluffy teddy bears.

But have you ever stopped to think about why you actually do all this when it comes to 14th February each year?

There are so many interesting facts about Valentine’s Day that you definitely have never considered.

Here are 17 surprising things about the traditional day of love.

And if you’re single then there is a great alternative for you…;

1. Bishop Valentine


Back in the Roman era, Emperor Claudius II didn’t want men to marry during wartime. Bishop Valentine went behind his back and granted secret weddings to people. When he was caught he was jailed and executed. Before his death he wrote a note to the jailer’s daughter which was signed ‘from your Valentine’, and that’s how it all began!

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