15 Of The Weirdest Urns To Rest Your Ashes In

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As the population continues to increase and burial space becomes a hot commodity, people really should start thinking about being cremated instead of taking up valuable space with a medieval mausoleum.

That”s why companies are pushing some seriously disturbing urns. Unfortunately, many of these companies have an odd idea of what”s suitable for storing a loved one”s remains. Here are some of the weirdest urns that companies actually think we”ll buy.

1. A teddy bear.

A teddy bear.

This company has decided that death can be cuddly, and welcomes you to snuggle up with your deceased loved one at night while their ashes hang out inside this plush sweetie.

2. A digital frame.

A digital frame.

These urns come with a little screen that allows you to view a series of pictures of your deceased love one and never get over it at all.

3. A handbag.

A handbag.

I can”t tell if the ashes are used to make the handbag, or are just dropped into a handbag from Macy”s. (If it”s the latter, you can probably just skip the middleman.)

4. A spooky ghost.

A spooky ghost.

Everyone has a theory about what happens to us after we die. Artist Anna Marineko thinks we turn into cartoonish little ghosts, or at least that our ashes should be stored in one.

5. An ode to Kiss.

An ode to Kiss.

So you can rock and roll all afterlife and party for all eternity.

6. A Star Trek tribute.

A Star Trek tribute.

This Star Trek-themed urn will allow your loved one to boldly go where many men have gone before (but so far have never returned) in style.

7. An hourglass.

An hourglass.

For those who miss antiquated ways of keeping time as much as they miss their loved one, In The Light Urns can put their ashes in this hourglass.

8. A beer bottle.

A beer bottle.

Definitely don”t have this around when you”re throwing a rager at your house.

9. A wheelbarrow.

A wheelbarrow.

If you”ve always wanted to know what it feels like to carry a body in a wheelbarrow, Une Belle Vie has you covered.

10. A dildo.

A dildo.

An artist named Mark Sturkenboom has created a little something for people who believe in love after life.

11. A tree.

A tree.

You know…hippy-dippy stuff.

12. A re-creation of the Venus of Willendorf.

A re-creation of the Venus of Willendorf.

For the loved one who took, like, one art history class and won”t shut up about it.

13. A creepy personalized bust.

A creepy personalized bust.

Worried you”ll forget what your loved one looked like after a while? Look no further than Cremation Solutions. Their creepy 3-D bust makes it look like you hunted that person for sport.

14. A Nokia phone.

A Nokia phone.

For those who are fans of this phone from a dark period of the early 2000s, here”s an urn for you.

15. A martini glass.

A martini glass.

This martini glass urn is perfect shorthand for when people ask you how she died.

I suppose the rationale here is that, even if these things are tacky, your loved one isn”t going to protest on account of the whole “being dead” thing. At least urns of any sort are better than what some people do with their ashes.

Some strange things can happen to your body when you die…like this.


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